Oct. 5, 6, 7

Quaaout Lodge

1663 Little Shuswap Lake Road, Chase, BC, V0E 1M2  250-679-3090


SUNDAY           Oct. 5, 2014 Travel and settle

1500                 Meet with Minister

MONDAY          Oct. 6, 2014

Attending:        Jack Minard, Zo Ann Morten, Jim Armstrong, Jim Shinkewski, Brian Smith, Eric Carlisle, Ian Bruce, Leandre Vigneault, Dianne Sanford, Elizabeth Hardy, Paul Cipywnyk, Wayne Salewski, Lee Hesketh, Jan Lemon, Gord Wadley

Regrets:           Fred Lockwood   

Invited Guests: Adam Silverstein, Fisheries and Oceans Canada -  Regional Manager Community Involvement Program, Bonnie Antcliffe Regional Director, Jason Hwang EMB, Bruce Reid Oceans EMB, Fred Lockwood, Community Advisor, Central Interior (Boston Bar to 100 Mile House)

0845                 Meet and Greet - get prepared

0900                  Chair opening remarks

Remarkable meeting with Minister yesterday. Minister learned about us and what we do. Minister saw how diverse, passionate and committed we (SEP community reps) are. Cleared up that new money that is going to federal hatcheries is not going to volunteers.

Welcome everyone. Everyone is here.

0910                 SEHAB Working Groups -  Reports

WSP Committee

Awaiting consultative process as to WSP and new FA

Aquaculture Committee

                                 ZA report online

Capacity and Core Funding – under review

0930                  Local Community Advisor’s Report – Fred Lockwood

                                    Fred was not available so we went directly into roundtables  


0950                 Roundtables

                                 Steelhead Society
                                 South Fraser River
                                 Pacific Streamkeepers Federation
                                 Upper Fraser
                                 North Side Fraser River - Burnaby to Mission
                                 Sunshine Coast/Powell River
                                 South Vancouver Island
                                Haida Gwaii

1200                 Lunch

1300                 Ecosystem Management Branch

An opportunity to meet Branch Managers in order to gain an understanding of their roles within the Department and within the Branch and how those roles and responsibilities interact with the SEP Volunteer community.

Meet the Ecosystems Management Branch (EMB) team to gain a better understanding of how to tailor our responses and advice during communications with the Department.

Bonnie Antcliffe

Jason Wong

Bruce Reid Oceans

Bonnie: Very good meeting with minister. She knows who SEHAB is. She meets with so many advisory bodies. She was intrigued by broad representation. Good to raise the licensing issue. Difficult to get traction on habitat issues. We do need to talk about monitoring.

Roles and Responsibilities

FAM Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Dianna Treager

                        Aboriginal comes under this

C&P is enforcement, some education

Science has four or five facilities. Supports delivery of core programs.

                        Stock assessment is in here

SCH Small Craft Harbours

EMB – Oceans, SEP, etc.

Aquatic Species at Risk


SEP has four managers

Strategic Planning – Roy Neighbour

Biological Assessment – Ryan Galbraith

Major Facilities – Jeff Jung

Community Involvement Program – Adam Silverstein

                        CAs and restoration units


Habitat is now under FPP

FPP Jason Hwang, Brad Fanos, Al Magnon

DFO no longer has lead on environmental assessments

FA changed, NEB changed, CEAA changed. Only CEAA does assessments. No longer DFO or other depts. Unless directly related to DFO mandate.

I encourage you to think beyond compliance when you think about monitoring.

Suggestions for compliance monitoring

Question/Comment: QEPs are also an issue

Question/Comment: When we’re not taking care of the little things, we’re not taking care of the whole.

SEHAB needs to give specific examples. Once examples are provided, Adam can check with Triage to determine what was done and provide feedback.

ACTION: ALL Three to five examples of habitat issues/concerns.

There is a national template that we’re trying to fit into the BC context.

Question/Comment: Reinstatement of notifications is required. How do you know where projects are? SEHAB recommends that notification of works being undertaken must be sent to DFO in order that the department a) knows where works are being done; b) can realistically check on a % of works to ensure that compliance occurs and harm does not.

Question/Comment: What about flows? Dams are almost impossible these days.

Adam – It boils down to water licenses and land use. Challenge is with DFO holding licenses and own infrastructure. Working on setting priorities. We don’t have the resources to maintain old projects.

Question/Comment: Where does the ocean start? High tideline?

Question/Comment: Pacific North Coast Management Area. 200-mile limit

Adam – Four bioregions identified on the north coast.

Question/Comment: Compensation. How does it work?

Adam – No freshwater protection areas. DFO doesn’t have the same authority.

Question/Comment: How do you fit in marine planning process?

Bruce – we have not participated in that process

Question/Comment: Province and FN are developing a plan, but DFO is not at the table.

Question/Comment: Local data, local knowledge. High tide line is very sensitive. What’s happening there? Interesting jurisdictional problems. Beaches are part of land.

1500                 Jeffrey Lemieux, Science Branch

Section head for freshwater ecosystems. Bridging old job in SEP with new job in Science.

How can Science better support SEP?

Potential for more collaboration between Science and community.

Want to form an ongoing dialogue between Science, SEHAB and CIP.

Science focus at 2015 SEP Workshop.

Science responsible for stock assessment.

Provides advice to decision makers.

ACTION ALL Looking for feedback on how community volunteers can work with Science.

Send ideas to Paul who will collate and send to Jeffrey

Stock Assessment


Wild/Hatchery interactions

Habitat restoration and strategic planning for southern Chinook

Make better use of DFO streamkeeper protocols as to water and habitat data

Didymo first appeared in 1989 on Vancouver Island. Now think it may be a sign of phosphorous deprivation.

What are some ways to implement a productive dialogue?

Are there projects you know about and would like to hear about?

Perhaps Science could sit in on SEHAB meetings regularly.

Open to discussing things in more detail.

Adam – very valuable to have Science here.

1530                 Break

1540                 Board Q&A/Discussion

1630                 Adjourn


TUESDAY Oct. 7, 2014

0900 - 1200      Business Meeting

0900                 Standing Committee Reports


Nothing to report        


See Finance Committee report


Alternate for Jim A.

Ron Meadley


Nothing to report


Idea for having mini-workshops on effective use of technology for communication. SEHAB capacity building.

ACTION Paul – prepare short presentation on tech & email for next meeting

0930                 DFO Report, Adam Silverstein


Brief update with CIP programs.

Restoration Framework


CA Staffing update

PAR update

Stream to Sea update

SEP Community Workshop

PSF Current five-year contribution agreement expires March 31, 2015

Looking for more flexibility in agreement. Looking at quarterly meetings with PSF.

FWCP BC Hydro. Adam sits on Coastal Board.

CA Staffing. Over 250 applications received. Written tests to begin soon, interviews in November. Goal for final list of qualified candidates by Jan 2015.

Don’t know yet if we will have permanent staffing.

PAR: Likely move to 2-year license next year. And CAs will continue to hold.

Other issues include: Use of drugs, Deposit of Organic Matter, Public Reporting

Trying to ensure that SEP facilities are not captured in this.

Will keep SEHAB posted.

Stream to Sea: potential curriculum changes from the provincial government

SEP Workshop in May in Port Alberni

Want a greater FN component

DFO wants increased Science component


Welcome to Shuswap

BC Interior SEP

RRU Resource Restoration Unit

CAs in this area used to be heavy on outreach and education, Lee has asked for more focus on restoration

No increase in budgets so inflation eating away at them.

ACTION ADAM: If the opportunity arises for input, Adam to suggest a community facility for ministerial visit

ACTION ADAM: Can we link local groups to incident reports?

ACTION LEANDRE: Monitoring framework. Ask to mandate notifications. RHQ Bonnie.

ACTION ADAM: Have Bonnie’s counterpart from C&P at next SEHAB meeting. Regional Director Compliance and Protection.

ACTION ALL: SEHAB to send a few examples of violations to Adam. Complete packages with photos etc. Vetted by SEHAB to ensure consistency.

ACTION SEHAB EXTERNAL COM: Suggestions for Adam on how to improve communication. Make sure community groups know what is going on.

ACTION ALL: Review NAVAIDS, particularly Communication Working Group & DFO responsibility to respond.

ACTION ALL: Suggestions to ADAM for volunteer recognition. Are present things working well, or can there be improvements. Send to Paul who will compile.

Examples from Jack & Zo Ann – have senior staff presence. It was great to have senior management at SEP community Workshop 2013 on Bowen Island.

Individual vs group recognition. CAs have to be in on this

ADAM Perspective on how SEHAB functions

            This group is effective communicating with Bonnie

            Could be a lot more effective to focus on what CAs and RRU doing

            How is SEP doing its job? Is it meeting your needs.

            Those are things we can deliver on quickly

            Use some time checking in on the SEP program

Question/Comment: CAs need to establish relations with province

ACTION PAUL Send out report on UBC gravel cleaner

1030                 Break

1045                 AGM – election etc.


Wayne/Lee nominate Jack

Elected by acclamation

Vice Chair

Lee/Jan nominate Jim S

Jim S/Leandre nominate Ian

Closed ballot:

Jim elected


Jack/Jim A nominate Zo Ann

Elected by acclamation


Eric/Leandre nominate Paul

Elected by acclamation

1100                 Review Working Groups & SEHAB Structure

                                    Build  2015 Workplan

PAR will continue as a working group

Dianne S, Dianne R, Brian, Elizabeth, Jim A, Zo Ann.

Communication Working Group for external stuff (standing Communication Committee is for internal work)

Wayne Chair, Jack, Paul, Lee

Stock Assessment? Science? Data Collection? Solidify at next meeting.

1230                 Lunch

1400                 Prioritize for RHQ, Amalgamate Roundtable Topics and discussion re EMB
RHQ Discussion – Closing the Loop
Finalize roundtables and email to Paul ASAP

A.  Minutes from this meeting to be ratified by Oct. 24

B.   Date next meeting:  January 16-18, 2015, Vancouver; May 17-19, 2015, Port Alberni (with SEP 2015); November 6-8, location TBD.

C.   Invitation to build agenda by: Dec. 15

D.   Draft agenda due on: Jan. 5

E.   Determine Participants (SEHAB exec. PLUS area issue sponsors) for meeting at RHQ

1630                 Adjourn – Member travel home unless volunteering at Salute to the Sockeye on Wednesday

Wednesday Oct. 8, 2014

0900                 SEHAB PRESENCE at Salute to the Sockeye
Members will be interpreters as required for some time depending on travel needs. Details to be determined in collaboration with local organizers

Action items October 2014






Please Submit Roundtables In Word Files As Per The Template



Habitat Concerns

Collate three to five examples of habitat issues or concerns. Provide photos and other documentation. Jack/Paul to ensure consistency of presentation


Send to Jack ASAP

Working with Science Branch

Feedback on how community volunteers can work with Science.

Send ideas to Paul who will collate and send to Jeffrey


Send to Paul
Paul collate and send to Jeffrey


Effective use of SEHAB mail lists, tech tips

Prepare short presentation on using SEHAB online tools, and other tech tips


Next SEHAB meeting

Minister to see a community facility

If the opportunity arises, arrange for minister to tour a community volunteer facility


For next minister visit to BC, preferably corresponding to a SEHAB meeting

Link local projects/groups to Triage

Is it possible for Triage to be aware of local projects and groups when dealing with incident reports?


Will see what is possible. Report back to January meeting.

Notifications & monitoring

Ask that requirement for notifications be reinstated for better monitoring


Follow up

C & P at next SEHAB meeting

Arrange to have Bonnie’s counterpart from C&P at next SEHAB meeting. Regional Director Compliance and Protection.



Schedule for Jan SEHAB meeting

External Communications

New group set up to ensure effective external communication

External Communication Group



Read NAVAIDS and ensure familiarity with roles, responsibilities, processes


Before Jan meeting

Volunteer Recognition

Are there suggestions for different ways of volunteer recognitions?


Send to Paul to collate before Jan meeting

UBC/Byrne Creek gravel cleaner project

Send out report on UBC Engineering students project on Byrne Creek to build a riffle cleaner for artificial spawning habitat



Action items from May 2014 meeting





Setting up next RHQ meeting

Arrange date by email

Alice, Attendees


Arrange for high-level rep from C&P to attend January SEHAB meeting (or 1st meeting in 2015)




Find alternate for North Side Fraser River, Burnaby to Mission





Find alternate for South side Fraser River to Abbotsford


Jim A


Ron Meadley

Find alternate for Haida Gwaii



Asap Lynn?

Jim A and Zo Ann to suggest potential alternates to Paul


Jim A, Zo Ann


As alternates are proposed, and letters and resumes are circulated, vote online





Lead on Southern Chinook

Ian to replace Zo Ann on this committee



Get previous materials

Get on contact list

Work on items to take to RHQ


Jack, Paul


Present outcomes from this meeting to RHQ when date determined




Forward stories about lack of DFO presence on the ground to Jack




Forward examples to Jack of no EC presence, or poor presence, on water pollution events that EC is supposed to handle for DFO




 Action items from March 8-9, 2014 meeting





write to province re steelhead licensing issue

Federal vs provincial

PAR committee


letter to province re curriculum changes in environmental education


Dianne S


formulate response re Letter from Minister of Forests and Land re Cumulative Effects Framework




Letters from SEHAB and responses to them to go on website




Complete steps to make Dianne the PSF alternate


Jim S


looking for new alternate with CA Maurice Coulter-Boisvert




Update your contact and CA info with Greig





Please check your bios on the website and send Paul anything you want refreshed or added. Several reps do not have bios on website.


