May 17 – 19, 2015

Workshop 2015 - Alberni Athletic hall

3737 Roger Street, Port Alberni

SEHAB Meetings - Barclay Hotel

4277 Stamp Ave, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7X8
(250) 724-7171

FRIDAY            Workshop 2015 May 15, 16 and 17

                        5:00 pm Registration Opens Alberni Athletic Hall

                        6:30 - 9:00 pm - Complimentary Refreshments - and No-Host Bar

                        7:00 - 8:00 pm Welcome from the Community

SATURDAY      Workshops (see registration package)

SUNDAY           Tour – must be pre-booked 9:00 – 2:45 (lunch provided)

Some sort of something? Sunday dinner time ish

MONDAY          May 18

Attending:        Jack Minard, Zo Ann Morten, Jim Shinkewski, Eric Carlisle, Ian Bruce, Leandre Vigneault, Dianne Sanford, Elizabeth Hardy, Cindy Verbeek, Paul Cipywnyk,

Regrets:           Wayne Salewski, Tracy Bond, Brian Smith, Jim Armstrong, Lee Hesketh,
Jan Lemon, Gord Wadley        

Invited Guests: Tina Chestnut, Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Acting (for this meeting as Jason Hwang
                       is unavailable and Adam is on Pat leave) Regional Manager, Community Involvement Program 

                        Erica Blake, Acting Community Advisor, Central  west coast of Vancouver Island,
                        east to Nanaimo, south to Chemainus

                        Tom Rutherford, Acting Section Head – Resource Restoration and Community
                        Involvement, South Coast

                        Jeffrey Lemieux, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region, Science Branch,
                        Manager, Freshwater Ecosystems

0845                 Meet and Greet - get prepared 

0900                  Chair opening remarks

SEHAB-CHAT is private

Email stay on thread

Professional reliance is here to stay

0910                  Local Community Advisor’s Report – Erica Blake

Tom Rutherford:
Stewards are engaging in a broad suite of projects
Support comes from community

Jeffrey Lemieux:
Needs to connect with stewardship groups. What’s a reasonable “ask” to stewardship groups?

Comments from directors: We just add other routines to what data that we’re already collecting.
Groups need to get something out of it to. Understand local watershed, and also feel part of a bigger picture.
Volunteers are champing at the bit for training and equipment. There is capacity in community.
DFO needs to be transparently housing data and sharing it.

1000                 SEHAB Working Groups -  Reports

Aquaculture Committee – ZoAnn
Need to improve communications
Merry go round of staff working on licensing leads to frustration

Tom communication is the gap

1030                 Break

1045                 Roundtables

1200                 Lunch 

1330                 Roundtables

1400                 DFO Report, Tina Chestnut

1510                 Break

1525                 Science Branch Report

                        Jeffrey Lemieux, Science Branch, Manager, Freshwater Ecosystems

Karl SEP Planning Framework

ACTION ALL Send comments to Jim who will compile and forward to Karl

Before end of May

SEP and Science and SEHAB – there’s something there. Not sure of the mechanism. How do we formalize this?

Manage the contribution programs
Update on CIP
Revisions to SEHAB statement of works

Trying to make tendering process the least cumbersome that we can
We hope to keep same process moving forward now that community is used to it.
Please let me know if you have any concerns


CA staffing. Candidates notified of pool qualification last week. Process is still developing. Tom: Tina has been hugely helpful in this process. Staff individual positions that are vacant. 

Is there value looking at various funding opportunities out there. Determining if there are linkages. Strategically align funding. 

Comments: Funding is always a scramble. Getting funders lined up would help us immensely. It would be great if funders had better knowledge of what we do and when funds are needed.

Alignment and timing are key.

Need funding for planning to create viable projects.

Statement of Works

There is no expectation from DFO for any need for working groups

WG are not a contractual requirement

 Reviewing past action items:

Beach wrack flagged as ongoing, ran it by Jason, said it was outside scope of SEP. Regulated by province. FPP is working with province.

WSP ask for SEHAB to be on list. Will ask our policy lead to be on list.

Need to sort out who will be direct contact person for WSP

Definition of habitat under FA -- what DFO can provide is on the website.

RRU List by area of positions and who is in them. Preferred points of contact.

Secretariat minutes -- Our website has our minutes

Tina can provide how other groups keep minutes, and we can take a look at them

CA hiring poster was shared

Fact sheet on FPP – feeling in DFO that it wasn’t necessary

ORR line is still an ongoing piece

QEP establishing qualifications

DFO is aware of the issue.

Two separate issues, province and feds

1600                 Board Q&A/Discussion, Prioritize for RHQ, Amalgamate Roundtable Topics and
                         begin RHQ Agenda

1700                 Adjourn

TUESDAY May 19, 2015

0900 - 1200       Business Meeting

0900                 Standing Committee Reports
                         Chair - Jack 

Encourage folks to stay past noon on second day to help collate RTs etc.
Spend more time Closing the Loop

JACK ACTION Who attends and why?

Decided largely by what comes up in RTs
Can we have somebody come to the next meeting
Go around the room so everyone gets a chance to speak
We need the speaker back, or a report back on what changed
Who will turn this into a process? Governance Committee.

            Finance – ZoAnn
Things are changing at Fisheries. People are changing. It takes a month to get money. We don’t have the money in the bank to pay for this meeting.
So we are not getting our expenses paid today.

            Membership – Jack 

            Accept two new alternates:
Angela Kronig – for Dianne
                                        Alan James – for Paul

Motion passed

            Governance - Jack

            Communications – Paul

Keeping mail list up to date after each meeting. ACTION COMS
Compilation of success stories for Web, for sharing with groups 

                        Southern Chinook – Ian
Emailed report

1000    Review Working Groups > Call this Work Planning in the future

           2015 Workplan
            PAR will continue as a working group
            Dianne S, Dianne R, Brian, Elizabeth, Jim A, Zo Ann.

            Communication Working Group for external issue (standing Communication Committee for internal) Wayne Chair, Jack, Paul, Lee

            Stock Assessment, WSP, Science, Data Collection, define working group and discuss  workplan and DFO involvement

WSP will eventually come back on the table

How do we move this group forward?

Jeffrey re data collection and science

1045                 Break

1100     Discuss RHQ meeting

            Review Roundtables

            RHQ Discussion – Closing the Loop

12:45    Submit Travel Claims – (Remember, no Roundtable; no reimbursement cheque)


A.   Minutes from this meeting to be ratified by June 02, 2015

B.   Date next meeting:  Nov. 6, 7, 8; then Feb 19, 20, 21

C.   Invitation to build agenda by: Oct. 6

D.   Draft agenda due on: Oct. 20

E.   Determine Participants (SEHAB exec. PLUS area issue sponsors) for Monday meeting at RHQ 

Action items May 2015 





Send comments to Jim who will compile and forward to Karl





End of May

Who attends and why?


Set up a protocol



Keeping mail list up to date after each meeting


Ensure both mail lists are up to date


Following every meeting

Follow up with Wayne re external communications




Definition of QEP

Write letter to DFO Jason

Rough draft to everyone

Do you have a def and if you don’t look at this one

Ext Com Group

End of June

Look at def of QEP province

Check this out before writing letter to DFO and share with group

Ext Com Group



Write letter in response to SF letter


June 15

Items to take to RHQ





QEP definition

Website information is lacking, please replace with provincial definition


Next RHQ Mtg


Professional Reliance

Who is monitoring outcomes


IE BIEMP FREMP When a partnership is formed with dfo to take on works, how does dfo pick up when bodies go defunct


Next RHQ

Loss of stock assessment – Sales Slips

Are slips still being recorded and used in stock assessment?


Next RHQ

Loss of stock assessment personnel access to patrol boats

Loss of ability to get to sites for stock assessment


Next RHQ

Forage fish

Policy in effect but is it being followed and enforced


Next RHQ


Degraded relationships.

Lack of confidence in DFO. Mistrust. How will data be used?


Next RHQ


Where DFO no longer paying for data collection

Contracted information becomes proprietary and not shared


Next RHQ


Production Planning and Habitat Capacity

On what science are production plans made ie coho and carrying capacity



Next RHQ

Looking at habitat at release sites

Release of fish is not the final objective


Next RHQ

Seymour slide

How will this be addressed to ensure fish passage/presence?


Next RHQ

Lack of enforcement

Lack of ORR response & communication


Next RHQ

Ensure CAs support groups through new and changing processes

Some groups got no support with new PIP and RFCP invoicing systems


Next RHQ

DFO can drop water pollution issues because of EC memorandum

DFO should keep an interest in pollution events


Next RHQ

Lack of support

Impacts to resource are not being dealt with


Next RHQ


High-level decisions are being made at expense of resource



Data collected – no feedback

Show what is being done with data collected by community – what does it mean/analysis?


Next RHQ

Salmonids in Classroom

Well used, effective program


Next RHQ


Timing hiccup


Next RHQ


Need for window for funding for planning


Next RHQ

Citizen Science

Adding citizen science to Science Branch


Next RHQ


Want a meeting with those who are in authority to get full picture of where we’ve come to now with new people

PAR Committee

Next RHQ

Pipelines/shipping increases

Rising risks require stronger regulation, monitoring and enforcement


Next RHQ

Storage, low flows

Support DFO involvement in roundtable and other processes


Next RHQ

Corporate Knowledge

Lots of retirements both in DFO and NGOs who/how is this being captured


Next RHQ

 Outstanding Action Items

Action items January 2015 





Build 2015 Workplan

Goals and objectives for three working areas

Jack, ZoAnn, Wayne

April 1, 15

Beach Wrack Issue

Watch for UVIC report on harvest. Minister wants to meet with SEHAB on this issue?



SEHAB Achievements

Compile a list of things at which SEHAB efforts have resulted in positive outcomes. Use this to engage community.



PAR Ask for meeting

Request DFO set up a meeting with our SEHAB PAR working group and community partners. Meet with those at department making the decisions and Provincial counterparts

PAR working group Zo Ann

Bring forward  at RHQ meeting


Ask Elan Parke to ensure SEHAB is on the list when WSP group appears



SEHAB participation in planning framework

Request through Adam S


 Will be invited when time comes

Coordinate with Science about data collection



 Jeffrey to attend SEHAB meetings

Action Items RHQ/SEHAB Oct21 2014





SEHAB RHQ meeting regularly scheduled for 0900 Monday morning immediately following the SEHAB weekend meeting. Minutes always contain next meeting dates for reference

Schedule staff and room




Information on next round of “Recreational Fisheries” granting opportunity

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Provide information to the public/SEHAB on Cohen, WSP and FA changes

Disseminate information as it becomes available


Ongoing – have seen some announcements

Provide a definitive definition of Habitat under the new FA

Send out asap


Bonnie et al - ASAP

Supply SEHAB with information on CAs and RRU personnel. 

DFO to check into


Done by Tina

SEHAB minutes to be kept short and succinct – posted on more than SEHAB website.  Secretariat Guidelines Criteria for SFAB, does SEHAB follow?

DFO to provide secretariat guidelines criteria

Jason and Communications Committee


Approach Ken Ashley, Marvin Rosenau

And others to advocate for better “professional reliance” under RAR

Contact people and query into quality control?

SEHAB to discuss


Letter to Minister Thomson

Action  item – after speaking to Sue Pollard, Brian will speak to Diana Trager

Set up meeting to turn on tap

Brian to contact Sue Pollard and Diana Trager



Needs Update

Action to discuss with Diana Trager the Nov 1 deadline and reactions if not implemented

Adam to discuss and report back


Tina? - Next Meeting

Description of liabilities involved with signing an aquaculture license. Why is DFO (and the Province with freshwater enhancement) not prepared to sign off on the licenses? How was the decision to make enhancement an aquaculture activity

Provide the information, have meetings, determine best course of action with all at table

DFO aquaculture

Ongoing PAR