Themes from SEHAB Roundtable – May 13/06
1. Further changes in the stewardship community’s relationship with MOE. The
door was closed; now it’s locked.
2. Ministry of Highways has improved its relationship with the volunteer
3. Seal predation
4. Lack of enforcement presence (ongoing issue)
5. Serious concerns about EPMP (ongoing issue)
6. Serious concerns about lack of stock assessment strategy (ongoing issue)
Consensus on Action re above Themes
1. Stick to action plan re ongoing issues. Action committees
2. Invite MOE rep to next Board meeting to present on Chekamus River recovery
plan update. This would be both informative and strategic. Action ZoAnn?
3. Request to OHEB Director to pursue high level MOE participation in SEHAB.
Action Monday delegation. (Done)
4. Make enquiries on possible policy shift with Ministry of Highways. Action
May 2006 Roundtable Summary
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