October 2006
1. Province - Ministry of Highways has developed positive relationships with DFO and community groups through its Environmental Management Services Group.
2. DFO Enforcement presence lacking in habitat alteration
a. enforce the Fisheries Act
b. habitat destruction is a use
c. serious concerns about EPMP and enforcement
3. Support bottom up approach to engaging public involvement/support
a. The Community Involvement Program (CIP) was a working model,
recommend a return to a Community Involvement Division within Regional delivery model (Area Management model is not functioning to support public involvement).
b. volunteer recruitment and coordination needs DFO regional support
c. Environmental Education – expand on CIP success in the classroom
d. Developers, industry, individual workers (ie. Hoe operators)
4. Integration of planning processes
a. fragmented or invisible framework/strategy and delivery of stock
b. severely limited and compromised collection of data
c. low flows/groundwater management should lead to guaranteed fish
conservation flows
d. integration with municipal, regional, provincial and federal planning
Oct 2006-Roundtable Summary
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