Roundtable Report Salmon Enhancement and Habitat Advisory Board
June 9th and 10th, 2007
Pacific Salmon Foundation
SEHAB Member – Paul Kariya (Interim)
Alan Kenney has left PSF and joined Golder and Associates (Burnaby). Paul began with an overview of where PSF has come from, where it is at today and where it is headed in the future. While continuing to support stewards and the volunteer community, what PSF has always been known for, PSF will move to dealing more with the causes of salmon and habitat decline (although PSF will not get into advocacy issues) vs. treating the after effects of human development. Its new focus area is tackling the salmon problems of the Fraser Basin, in partnership with Fraser Basin Council. Overall, PSF is on a mission of supporting people who are helping salmon, and the motto of “Stream by Stream” still works.
Paul recognized many of the groups that actually do the work with enablement from PSF. He also noted significant contributions from the provincial government through the Living Rivers Trust Fund ($10 million over 5 years), DFO through its Fraser Basin Initiative ($10 million over 5 years) and Pacific Salmon Endowment Fund Society (PSEFS $5 million over 5 years). These new commitments are for salmon initiatives in the Fraser Basin in a new program – Fraser Salmon and Watersheds Program (FSWP). To date in 2007, against a $4 million budget, approximately $3 million has been committed to 65 projects in FSWP.
PSEFS which looks after the $30 million endowment fund, has been a key player in supporting the focus on Fraser River salmon sustainability. During its first 5 year program (2001 – 06) its focus was on testing the concept of recovery planning, through 7 recovery plans. PSF was the program manager and continues to support this work. For the next 5 years, PSESF will concentrate on the Fraser by supporting the leadership and development capacity needs of PSF.
Through its on-going flag ship program, Community Salmon (CSP), PSF committed through its Spring 2007 funding round, $480,000 to 75 projects throughout BC. It is anticipated that up to another $200,000 could be allocated to projects in its fall funding round. PSF is continually seeking out funding partnerships and donors for CSP.
As well as providing leadership and funding to salmon programs, PSF also provides bursaries to post secondary students in the environment, wildlife and fisheries fields who have proven track records with local community groups. Last year two $1,000 bursaries were awarded, and it is hoped to increase the number and amount as funds increase in an endowment fund originally seeded by Joe Kambeitz and friends of Garde Frost. PSF is also the NGO supporter and contributor to the new Salmon Science Chair at SFU named after Tom Buell. PSF and PSEFS have committed to raising $500,000 over five years to support the chair, held by Dr. John Reynolds. Friends of Tom Buell. SFU and PSF/PSEFS have raised over $2.25 million which has been matched by the provincial government through Advanced Education’s Leading Edge Program of endowed chairs in the life sciences.
Another program that PSF supports is POST which is now in its 4 full year. Currently supported almost entirely by private foundation money (Sloan, Moore, BPA), POST seeks to find out the mysteries about salmon and ocean survival. Already interesting new findings have come about in learning about migration paths, places of mortality and migration behaviour (scientific papers are in the publication queue). POST needs funding support from both DFO and NOAA to thrive and develop further. Its promise is to assist in future fisheries management which will probably become more complicated.
17 people are employed by PSF (including at the Gift Shop at the Capilano Hatchery). New staff has recently been hired in the Fraser Salmon and Watersheds Program, Accounting and Communications (check the PSF website for updates). Major Fundraising is now being contracted out but the robust program of Dinners and Events and on-going donations and sponsorships remain at PSF.
The challenges remain for PSF – making a difference for salmon and salmon people. Paul thanked the work of SEHAB and the groups and individuals it represents.
Roundtable-PSF-June 2007
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