Pacific Streamkeepers Federation Round Table report Jan 25, 2010 to May 28 2010.


Challenges/Issues and Opportunities/Successes of the Volunteer Aquatic Stewards

i) Management: Have been watching fisheries back east crab, lobster, seal, atlantics. Atlantic salmon foundation had budget from department to count fish and other monitoring, budget last year 24 mil this year 12 mil.

$’s within appropriately fundind DFO then they can have ability to contract appropriately, contractors accountable to Department mandate then DFO accountable for overall mandate


Enforcement Operating Statements – Have drafted a webbased reporting form for community to inform Department of activities they come across that they feel are under an Operating statement (authority). This will assist DFO in evaluating the OS process and in determine accumulated impact area. ORR stays in place for problems you may find in your watershed.

ii) Wsp Habitat - Freshwater Reviewed website to provide advice about the design of salmon monitoring programs.  The website is intended for several different audiences including stewardship group.

iii) .Habitat - Oceans, Estuaries and Marine See SCBC funding


iv) Stewardship & Community Involvement. Insurance

Worked with UBC Civil Engineer Students (3 groups, 21 students in total) to work on issues related to storm water and off channel water) Working with RCEN on project for International Year of Bio Diversity

Now working with mechanical engineers for stock assessment camera in culvert project (idea for them to do)

Stewardshipworks! – planning meeting for funders / community continue the core funding grants programming

v) Consultations: Acts, Regulations, Policy, Program Development and Implementation, Capacity, and Partnerships

Took part in conference call on changes to the Navigable Waters Act, questions / comments sent in as well. Speaking for the Salmon Conference WOSK Centre with SFU.

vi) Treaty & Aboriginal Programs

vii) Streamkeepers 5 day training program

Safe and Accessible Waters (Canadian Coast Guard, Navigable Waters,Small Craft Harbours) navigable water conference call 2 pages of comments in