Pacific Streamkeepers Federation Round Table for SEHAB Oct 15 2006
The past few months since our last meeting have been filled with a wide variety of activities.
Updates from associated boards that PSkF is a part of:
1. Pacific Salmon Foundation – PSF continues to serve the volunteer community with
their CSP grants with today (Oct 15) being the closing date for this round. They continue to look for partnerships to add additional funds to this process. There has been a fair amount of growth within the PSF staff and mandate. I think it is time for SEHAB to get an update on the full scope of PSF’s new mandates and see how we can assist in direction.
2. Stewardship Centre for BC - Has formed a society. We were able to web cast the Valuing Nature conference plenary sessions and are looking to keep them on the web. Governance structure is in place for most activities and our AGM will be in Dec when we will switch from an interim board to our board who will take the new society forward.
3. Marine Conservation Caucus – letters to Minister on EPMP and committee works as to herring fishery since last SEHAB meeting.
4. Valuing Nature Conference – July, Corner Brook Newfoundland. Thank you SEHAB, DFO and PSF fro this opportunity. The conference is of organizations in the business of stewardship. There are many groups across Canada involved in a large variety of stewardship initiatives, I was proud to speak of BC’s programs and support network. We are well organized and have years of history in the protection and preservation of our streams and a long standing record of working with department. BC had a small contingency of people but were vocal at each session I attended and on the speakers list and posters displays.
Highlights since May are: 1. Ugly Bug Ball 11 - 120 community members came out to learn from on another and to
spend some fun time together. PSkF, Bev Bowler, Joanne Day and DFO CA’s worked together to put on a fun day of appreciation. Greg Savard and Jeff Jung were among the DFO personnel onsite along with Tracy Cone and Don McKinley who came out as resource people. Education coordinators meeting Enderby. More governance structure and a great outing where we were able to take part in a variety o learning experiences that are being taught across BC. Fun and informative.
2. Miscellaneous
a. Opportunity to meet with a variety of Streamkeepers on Vancouver Island, Lower
Mainland, Prince George (x’s 2). b. Prince George Rivers Day event music festival had over 3000 participants. A circle
of stewardship ringed the stage with fun facts about salmon and talks between each
band. Busy day of sharing with community, I heard many comments that they didn’t expect to learn so much. Community events continue to be well attended with an informed public asking tough questions.
c. Am wiring from Ottawa where I just took part in an EPMP national consultation process with ENGO’s. I will post report on SEHAB page once it is written. There is still much to work on within strengthening DFO policy. It is vital that the Fisheries Act not be opened if the process doesn’t make it stronger.
Take care Zo Ann
Roundtable-PSkF-Oct 2006
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