Salmon Enhancement And Habitat Advisory Board (SEHAB) Roundtable
Date July 23,2001, Lumby, near Vernon
Area: North coast
Representative:Jan Lemon
Community Advisor: Rob Dams
Cutbacks in the patrolman,s time on the coast, need for more chum DNA on streams in area 4,5,Skeena watershed issues such as pipeline, mining and expanded corridor use, and again the damage of ATV use instreams in all our area, are the issues for our volunteers. Rob Dams, the Community Advisor, was able to assist in the expandedrequirement for obtaining an Aquaculture license.All the facilities were able to receive one with his efforts.
Most of the groups in this area continue working with the habitat issues for their particular projects.
The Terreace Rod and Gun is nearing completion of the restoration of Hurley Creek, a small urban coho/cutthroat stream in theThornhill area.They will again do a clean-up along the main recreational fishing spots along the Skeena collecting garbage and camping remains left behind.
Prince Rupert Salmonid Enhancement Society has nearly finished the interpretive trail and bridge and the renovations to the hatchery facility.
Kitimatt Rod and Gun and the Naturalist Club have joined together to continue to mark all the storm drains
Salmon Enhancement (Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement)
1. Oldfield Creek (Prince Rupert Salmon Enhancement Society)continues to work on all their enhancement projects. They recently held their smolt fest and that was terrific. Steven Leask is doing a great job with the school education programs and carrying out the renovations at Oldfield. As the alternate to SEHAB, I hope to be able to encourage him to attend a meeting sometime soon.
2 .Lakelse Watershed Society is active and continuing work on their recovery program They will do egg takes again and have a video monitoring camera run byvolunteers to count the fish.This is proving very successful
3.Oona River Resources Association has two summer students who will be helping to do some of the stream assessment in the two rivers that are accessible by the new logging road.They are installing pavers over the gravelbasement floor where the rearing troughs are, which will be a huge improvement, as well as completing a small cabin next to the hatchery to be used to sleep staff or guests. The group will complete the second year of monitoringon the ‘Determining the trend of chum populations in Area 5’ (namely Kumeleon River) Community full timepopulation is low but ORRA has some active volunteers to rely on when needed and great community support.
2.Stewardship & Community Involvement
Bear River Society in Stewart is now running an interruptive centre and has had over 2,000 visitors through.
At the moment I have nothing newto include on the several other groups that are carrying on such valuable work in and around our area.Good luck and have a good summer to all the volunteers who continue to be the voice for wild salmon and their fresh and saltwater environment.