Salmon Enhancement And Habitat Advisory Board (SEHAB) Roundtable

February 2009

North Island/Mainland Area

Challenges/Issues and Opportunities/Successes of the Volunteer Aquatic Stewards


  1. Enhancement Groups

Most of the groups met their brood capture targets last fall.Coho returns were strong, but pinks were weaker.Bad weather hampered capture for some of the facilities and fish counts were difficult.


  1. Education

Education is very strong on the North Island with all district schools involved as well as community groups such as Young Naturalists.Education is truly a Stream to Sea program in our region with an equally strong emphasis being placed on our marine habitats.Retaining our part time education co-ordinator is essential to our communities.


  1. Community Advisor

Laurent Frisson has been the acting CA for several months.Thanks for doing a great job filling in Laurent!Hopefully we get the position filled permanently within the next month or two.The CA is a vital link to promoting and maintaining active stewardship groups and maintaining a good relationship between the community and DFO.


  1. More North Island

At a time when fiscal restraint is occurring across the country in business and in government, it is essential that we protect our fisheries resource.The stewardship groups have the ability to educate, protect and enhance our watersheds.Although the North Island, does not have the people population base of the more urban regions, it is essential the area receives equitable protection of fish and fish habitat (funding, staffing, education and recognition) from DFO.