Salmon Enhancement And Habitat Advisory Board (SEHAB) Roundtable
Date:February 20, 2009
Area:Central Interior
Representative:Tracy Bond
Challenges/Issues and Opportunities/Successes of the Volunteer Aquatic Stewards
- Continued enforcement of City, Regional District, Provincial and Federal Mandates
- Requirement of CA officers to provide stewardship activities, they are not trained and they should be in the field enforcing.
- Loss off Habitat Staff
- Provide on the ground knowledge and policing
Habitat, Oceans, Estuaries and MarineProtection
Salmon Enhancement
Production Planning
Consultations: Acts, Regulations, Policy
Program Development and Implementation
Capacity, and Partnerships
- Ongoing Funding
- Level of support from D.F.O. and M.O.E. even on their own initiatives
- Keeping qualified staff and volunteers
- Access to government information from various departments
- Continued juggling of partnership requirements/budgets etc.
- Continued ability to deliver programs for cheaper
- Continued ability to bring varying levels of partners together to work on projects
- Continued ability to respond to communities needs (information, services)
- Provide the continuity to issues that just isn’t anywhere else
- Able to access funding and partnerships that no one else can
Integration and Coordination
Stewardship and Community
Safe and Accessible WatersCanadian Coast Guard, Navigable Waters, Small Craft Harbours
Riparian Area Conservation and Protection
Water Licensing
Related Species and
Shared Jurisdiction, DFO and MOE