Summary – Roundtable Proceedings
From June/07 Meeting of Salmon Enhancement and Habitat Advisory Board
June 9, 2007
The following issues were noted as common themes during roundtable submissions. These submissions summarize significant concerns in each Pacific Region community re volunteer efforts to enhance/restore salmon and salmon habitat.
1. Fisheries and Oceans’ Canada’s inability to enforce the Fisheries Act in order to protect salmon populations/habitat, including volunteer restoration projects.
2. Increased pressure on volunteer organizations to sustain projects financially and politically, and to maintain communication links between governments and agencies.
3. Confusion re the implementation of Riparian Area Regulations – eg the municipality’s perceived ability to “opt out”.
4. Erosion of the principles underlying the Community Involvement Program – Community Advisor workload, inappropriate work assignments, etc.
5. Negative effects of poor or nonexistent stormwater management strategies on salmon and salmon habitat.
6. Proliferation of independent power projects.
7. Province of British Columbia’s inability to establish representation on SEHAB.
8. Importance of recommended changes to Environmental Process Modernization Plan –
update requested on progress to date.
9. Continued decline in DFO funds for stock assessment.
10.Wild Salmon Policy – How can Department acquire new dollars for a new program?
June 2007-Roundtable Summary
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