SEHAB Roundtable ––February 2016

SEHAB Member: Zo Ann Morten

Area: Port Moody to West Vancouver

Province-wide organization: Pacific Streamkeepers Federation

Date: February 20, 2016

Key Issues:

What top three points can you distill from community input to take to DFO RHQ?

1      Groups having problems with protection of streams – 2 examples just from this morning’s emails

  • Municipality believes they have strong bylaws and that they meet the RAR, but the latest review of the RAR by the Ombudspersons office, says the bylaws don’t meet the RAR requirements
  • DFO not being involved in authorization of impacts without them being notified of activities it makes it difficult for monitoring of the works and of whether mitigation / compensation works indeed achieved the promised outcomes

2. Succession planning – in all levels of government many are retiring or being transferred. Community has spent a lot of energy / time helping to pass along community knowledge and not seeing this knowledge being transferred to the new person or the position is not being filled

3.Groups wondering how fisheries decisions are being made ie: number of / species fish in the ocean. Many have watershed monitoring information that can be used for watershed planning and enhancement opportunities – want stronger link between monitoring efforts and planning


Added note: Many groups are working on Assisting DFO in their mandate with chances to the Fisheries Act, the Canadian Environmental Assessment and with the Provincial government with the new Water Modernization Act. Most of the meetings are held as conference calls which allows for more participation as well as being able to be as involved as you wish. Some are quiet on line and listen to keep abreast, some are vocal during the call and during the review of papers portion of the work. This process needs a strong leadership in order to get consensus and a document that can move forward. May thanks to groups like West Coast Environmental Law that are spearheading the ENGO works on Fisheries Act

As letters to Ministers are finalized we will post them to

Working with groups that have expressed interest in hosting the SEP Community Workshop 2017

Issues Specific to SEHAB’s Work Plan:

SEHAB Work Plan

Local Issue, Specific  Examples

Actions by Community or DFO

SEHAB Opportunity

Wild Salmon Policy (Stock Assessment, Habitat)








Capacity & Core Funding

Seymour River Rock Slide Mitigation Project

DFO to provide core funding and Technical support for the Rock Slide project.

Advise DFO to provide the required financial and technical support required for the Seymour River Rock Slide Mitigation Project

Submissions, Comments from Groups:

No submissions/comments from groups received.