SEHAB Roundtable Template––February 2016

SEHAB Member: Ian Bruce 

Area: South Vancouver Island

Community Advisor: Chantal Nessman

Date: Nov. 4 -2016

Key Issues:

What top three points can you distill from community input to take to DFO RHQ? 

  1. Provincial Water Act, climate change, drought and DFO – not enough attention by the Province on small streams and base flows – DFO has a potential role to play by employing hydrologists to study watersheds, develop tools to mitigate drought and train stewards about hydrology. No water = No fish!
  2. Enforcement Issues - staffing issues throughout department…where is C & P; fisheries openings on weekends but no overtime therefore no oversight.
  3. Douglas Treaty and FN harvesting issues – stocks being completely and blatantly taken to the last fish in plain sight but DFO policy of not wanting to potentially generate a Douglas Treaty challenge does nothing.  DFO needs to negotiate Douglas Treaty rights or let courts decide but status quo untenable for stewards affected.


A few examples of successes, failures, challenges.

  1. New C.A. for South Island Chantal Nessman – she is working hard and should do well…strong effort to date and dedicated.
  2. New SCACIP/RRU Section Head Dale Desrochers is a positive choice – both are career DFO with a desire and ability to work in our Area therefore stability gratefully expected.
  3. Funding for CIP hatcheries needs to be increased.

Issues Specific to SEHAB’s Work Plan:

SEHAB Work Plan

Local Issue, Specific  Examples

Actions by Community or DFO

SEHAB Opportunity

Wild Salmon Policy (Stock Assessment, Habitat)








Capacity & Core Funding

At least 4 new salmon stewardship groups want to form or are being touted. CA and Peninsula Streams have capacity issues in terms of

Attempts to find core funding by Peninsula Streams to address need for stewardship coordination – have applied for PSF funding and to others to support Streamkeepers training and Streamkeepers Trainer training

Encourage SEP to re-visit HCSP program and evaluate to address gaps in stewardship support  across BC


Submissions, Comments from Groups: